Month: February 2018

Tips to Save Money and Energy

Keep your household appliances energy efficient with these helpful tips.

Energy Star certified appliances come with several great benefits such as discounts, rebates and a much lower energy bills. Taking full advantage of those benefits and saving as much money as possible, however, involves professional annual inspections and cleanings.

Here are tips to ensure you are getting the most out of your energy efficient appliances.


  • Regulate the inside temperature by keeping your fridge stocked but not filling it to its maximum capacity causing it to restrict the airflow.
  • Clean door seals and replace them when they break.
  • Once a year, clean the condenser coils to keep the airflow passages free of dust and debris.


  • Wipe up spills as soon as the oven has cooled down.
  • Like the fridge, keep the door seal clean and replace it when it breaks.
  • Cooking frozen foods works the oven longer and uses a lot of energy so instead, try to cook fresh or thawed foods in the oven.


  • Only start your dishwasher once it is completely full of dishes.
  • Clean the filters regularly to remove any debris.


  • Decrease the number of cycles by washing “Large” loads
  • Avoid “Extra Large” loads, they can become overfull and spill water over the top as well as put unnecessary strain on the motor and internal components.
  • Wash you loads of laundry with cold water rather than warm or hot.


  • Get your dryer cabinet and exhaust vent cleaned once a year by a professional or by yourself.
  • Keep lint filters free of lint, cleaning every time you put in a load of laundry.
  • If your lint filter is clogged by a translucent film (caused by dryer sheets) wash it by hand with a mild dish soap and scrub brush.

Water Heaters:

  • Drain sediment from your tank every six months.
  • Water heater’s temperature should be set at 120° which is high enough for your needs and high enough to reduce mineral buildup.

Taking good care of your Energy Star certified appliances and getting them annually inspected will save you money each year. Contact Sarah’s Appliance Repair to schedule your professional inspection which will ensure your appliances are in great working condition, saving you money in the long run.

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