Month: August 2023

Commercial Kitchen Appliance Service: Guide To Buying Kitchen Appliances

kitchen appliances

Are you planning of buying any kitchen appliance?  There are a number of factors that you need to consider for you to buy the right appliance. Here are some of the factors that you should consider:
Shared tasks

To avoid buying so many appliances thus spending a lot of money you should go for appliances that can serve more than one task. For example, you should go for a large refrigerator that you will not only use in cooling your food, but also used it in making ice.

Not having many kitchen equipments has been shown to reduce accidents in the kitchen. You also lower the cost of kitchen appliance repair.


Kitchen appliance contractors recommend that you should place safety over style when buying kitchen appliances. You should go for appliances that don’t pose danger to your and other family members.

One of the things that you should consider is the material used in making the appliance. If you are buying a knife you should go for one made from non-slip materials such as silicone.

You should also consider the length of the kitchen appliance. Commercial kitchen appliance service providers recommend that you go for an appliance that is as long as possible in order to avoid burning yourself. If you are buying tongs you should go for those that are at least 12 inches long.

Where possible you should go for cordless appliances in order to avoid accidents resulting from short circuit.

Ease of use

There is no one who likes complex appliances. As rule of thumb you should ensure that the appliance you buy can be used by every member of the house.

Modern electric home appliances come with complex operation requirements which can be difficult to follow. If most of your staff is computer illiterate you avoid these appliances as they put your property at the risk of fire in the event a staff member uses them wrongly.

After sale service

There are some companies that offer after sale services to some appliances such as refrigerators. This not only gives you peace of mind as you know that you have a place to run to in the event your appliance develops problems, you also save a lot of money that you would have spent hiring a home appliance repair contractor. To save money and have peace of mind you should buy from a company offering the services.


The post Commercial Kitchen Appliance Service: Guide To Buying Kitchen Appliances first appeared on HVAC Repair, appliance repair. The post appeared first on Express Appliance Repair

Dishwasher Safety Tips

Dishwashers are a kitchen necessity, and they come in handy to help you save time and energy during dishwashing. They can, however, be dangerous if not used properly, just like any other device in your home.

Thousands of dishwasher-related incidents occur each year. These mishaps include everything from cuts and burns to flames and electrocutions.

Even though these are minor mishaps, they can be unpleasant and costly.

That is why taking basic safety precautions when using a dishwasher is critical. To help you out, here are dishwashing safety precautions given by dishwasher repair professionals that every homeowner should be aware of:

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Most current dishwashers come with plenty of features and options that make them more effective and efficient than ever before. While this is the case, it is critical to read the manufacturer’s instructions before using a dishwasher. This will assist you in understanding how to use the dishwasher properly and avoid potential problems.

You also should ensure that you only use the appliance for its intended purpose, as indicated in the owner’s manual. Following the easy instructions given by the manufacturer will help ensure your dishwasher runs smoothly for many years.

Use the right detergent.

As much as detergents save time, they require maintenance to keep them in good working order. Use dishwasher-safe detergents or wetting agents to ensure that your appliance is in top working condition.

You should note that detergents can be hazardous if consumed, so keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Keep flammable products away from the dishwasher.

You can prevent fires in your kitchen by keeping flammable items away from the dishwasher. This calls for you to keep propane tanks, gasoline cans, and easily ignited wood materials away from your appliance.

You also should keep all electrical cords at a suitable distance to limit the risk of heat exposure.

When washing the dishes, always ensure that you are washing dishwasher-safe dishes. Dishwasher-safe dishes include hard plastic, stainless steel, glass, and ceramic; however, there may be exceptions, such as hollow-handled knives or wooden cutting boards, which may melt under the extreme temperatures and moisture present in a dishwasher, necessitating hand washing instead.

As much as they appear tough, Acrylic plates may break when subjected to high temperatures in a dishwasher, leaving hairline cracks evident even after being washed on an automatic cycle; this causes the dish to appear worn even after being properly cleansed.

To keep it in top condition, avoid placing it in the dishwasher.

Don’t overfill the dishwasher.

When you overfill the dishwasher, water tends to pour onto the floor. Not only is this a tripping hazard, but it also prevents your dishes from becoming as clean as they should.

This is due to the fact that dishwashers require a particular volume of water to function properly. The water has nowhere else to go but out when they are overfilled.

The dishwasher’s pump may also be unable to circulate the water, resulting in inadequate cleaning effectiveness.

So, the next time you’re tempted to throw another dish into the washing machine, remember that less is sometimes more.

Load your dishwasher with just enough dishes and always keep it manageable. Your dishes will appreciate it.

Be cautious when operating the dishwasher.

You should be aware of the potential hazards of the heating element when using a dishwasher. The element can be extremely hot and cause severe burns if you touch it.

As a result, it is advisable to avoid touching the element at all. If you must contact it, be cautious and protect your hands with thick gloves or a towel.

When loading the dishwasher, ensure that the surface you are standing on is dry and you won’t slip and fall.

When using the dishwasher, you should note that the water inside can become quite hot. To avoid steam burns, use caution when opening the door.

To avoid steam burns, cautiously open the dishwasher door and stand back while it runs. Use a dish towel to protect your hand from the steam if possible.

If you suffer steam burns, run cold water over the afflicted area for several minutes and apply a soothing lotion.

Keep pets and children away from the dishwasher.

Children and pets are highly curious. They enjoy exploring their environment and learning how things function. Unfortunately, this curiosity can also result in mishaps.

The dishwasher is one device that can cause problems. Children and pets close to the device while it is in use, are at risk of getting burned by the hot water and detergent.

You should keep kids away from the dishwasher to avoid mishaps. If possible, put a barrier between them and the appliance, such as a gate or locked door.

Before allowing children near the dishwasher, ensure it is turned off and the detergent dispenser is empty.

Treat the dishwasher with care.

It is critical to realize that dishwashers are not indestructible. You should handle them with care to perform properly.

Sitting or standing on the dishwasher door is one of the most common ways people damage their dishwashers. This can break or bend the hinges, making it difficult to open and close the door.

The dishwasher also won’t run properly.

Sitting or standing on the appliance exerts strain on the rack, which might cause it to break or bend. Doing so might also make the water and detergent easier to reach all the dishes, resulting in a less-than-satisfactory cleaning job.

As a result, it is critical to treat your dishwasher with caution to avoid damage and ensure that it continues to perform effectively.

Don’t try to fix the unit by yourself.

Many people feel that repairing or maintaining their dishwashers will save them money. This, however, is not the case.

Dishwashers are complicated machines, and attempting to repair them can sometimes cause more harm than good.

Most manufacturers cancel the warranty if a competent technician does not repair the dishwasher. As a result, if you are experiencing problems with your dishwasher, it is always better to contact a certified appliance repair Springfield specialist.

This not only ensures that your dishwasher is repaired properly, but it also protects your investment.

The post Dishwasher Safety Tips first appeared on HVAC Repair, appliance repair. The post appeared first on Express Appliance Repair

Commercial Garbage Disposal Maintenance: 7 Things That You Should Never Dump Down Your Garbage Disposal


If you are fortunate enough to own a garbage disposal you need to be cautious of the things that you put down there. To tart you off, here are 7 things that you should never put in your garbage disposal:

Coffee grounds

While they may appear to easily go down, they usually don’t. They pile up causing sludgy sediment that messes up your drain. If you tend to have coffee grounds you should avoid dumping them in the disposal at all costs.

Egg shells

There are some people who think that egg shells sharpen rotor blades, but this isn’t the case. The shell’s membrane is stringy and tends to wrap around the blades wreaking havoc. Instead of putting egg shells in the garbage disposal, you should compost them.

Fibrous foods

The most common fibrous foods are: lettuce, carrots, celery, and potato peels. These foods tend to wrap around the blades thus preventing the motor from operating properly. If you can’t do it without dumping the fibrous foods, you should do it in minimal amounts. After dumping the materials you should run cold water before, during and after dumping.


Pasta includes: ziti, fusilli, spangetti and linguine. As you know, pasta expands when exposed to water; therefore, you should never dump the pasta in the garbage disposal.

Potato peels

While you might get away with dumping the peels every now and then, the peels tend to cause a lot of mess when you dump a lot of them. In addition to potato peels you should also avoid dumping beans and starchy vegetables.


Grease and oils don’t make it to the disposal and tend to clog up the pipes and you have to hire a garbage disposal company to unclog it for you.

Non-food items

In addition to the above food items you also need to avoid dumping non food items such as cigarette butts, sponges, pull tabs, rubber bands and twist ties.

Garbage disposal service

By avoiding dumping the above 7 things your garbage disposal will last for a long time. Even if you don’t dump the wrong things you should hire a commercial garbage disposal maintenance technician to help you in maintaining the appliance for you.

The technician will inspect the appliance for you and fixe any problems that might be there. The most common problem with garbage disposals is rotor failure. The garbage disposal technician Vienna will fix the rotor and replace it if necessary.





The post Commercial Garbage Disposal Maintenance: 7 Things That You Should Never Dump Down Your Garbage Disposal first appeared on HVAC Repair, appliance repair. The post appeared first on Express Appliance Repair

Commercial Dishwasher Repair: Tips On How To Maintain Your Dishwasher


A dishwasher is an important appliance in your home and you should take good care of it for it to last for long and avoid hiring a dishwasher contractor Arlington every now and then. To help you out here are tips on how to take good care of your appliance:

Clean it regularly

Many homeowners feel that the dishwasher is always clean as you are always cleaning the dishes there, but that’s not the case. Just like any other appliance in your home the dishwasher gets dirty and you have to clean it to retain its efficiency.

The best way of cleaning the appliance is using hot water. You should heat hot water and pour it into the dishwasher before you wash the dishes. For ideal results you should set the thermostat to 50 degrees. If water is cooler than this temperature it’s not ideal for cleaning. On the other hand if the water is hotter than this it may scald you.

In addition to using hot water it’s also wise that you use vinegar. You should put 2 cups of vinegar at the bottom of the appliance and rut it on low setting.

Schedule regular Inspection

Even if your appliance is working efficiently it’s wise that you hire a commercial dishwasher contractor to inspect the machine on a regular basis. For example, you can get into contract with the professional and the professional be inspecting the machine once every six months.

When the contractor visits he/she should inspect all areas and ensure that they performing at their best. In addition to inspection, the professional should also clean the appliance and fix any faulty areas.

Use the machine

Many homeowners don’t use their dishwashers on a regular basis. This puts the machines at the risk of accumulating food and other debris. To avoid this you should use your machine every now and then. Even if you won’t clean the dishes there, you should run a short cycle and you will get rid of debris.

If you have stayed for a long time without using the machine and you want to start using it, you should first hire a commercial dishwasher repairs professional to inspect the machine and give you a go ahead. This is to avoid infecting your dishes with bacteria. You also protect your dishes from getting damaged.


By considering these dish washer maintenance tips you will not only have an efficiently working machine, you will also have a machine that saves you energy and money.

The post Commercial Dishwasher Repair: Tips On How To Maintain Your Dishwasher first appeared on HVAC Repair, appliance repair. The post appeared first on Express Appliance Repair

Commercial microwave oven service: Guide on how to take care of your microwave oven

appliance repiar

Microwave ovens are one of the most important home appliances. The appliances come with many benefits which include:

Convenience: they are very fast and you can use them anytime as long there is power in the house. You can also use the appliances for wide range of applications such as: baking, steaming, defrosting, grilling and reheating.

Easy to use: unlike the conventional oven that requires you to select the temperature, timing, lower and top element, among many other things, the microwave requires you to press one button and starts heating your food.

Time saving: as mentioned the unit is very fast. It produces heat in form of radio waves that heats food very fast. The fast working nature of the appliance saves you a lot of time.

Guide on how to take good care of the microwave oven

Due to the importance of the appliance it’s good that you take good care of it. Here are some of the things that you should do:

Regular inspection: for the oven to be in perfect working condition you should hire a commercial microwave oven service provider to inspect the appliance. The professional should inspect all the areas of the oven and ensure that everything is working efficiently and the unit isn’t consuming a lot of power.

Regular cleaning: If you use your oven regularly you should also clean it on a regular basis in order to remove dirt, grease, and excess oils. You can hire a commercial oven maintenance professional to clean it for you or you can clean the appliance by yourself.

To give your appliance a clean look you should use a mild detergent and a paper towel. It’s common for soil to build-up on the corners. You should remove the soil by cleaning all the door joints. To remove oven odour you should use lukewarm water and baking soda.

Use the right vessels: Studies have shown that many ovens break down or lose their efficiency due to improper vessel use. For your appliance to continue working efficiently for long and avoid hiring commercial appliances service every now and then you should use the right vessels.

As rule of thumb you should never use the microwave to heat up baby bottles. You should also never use plastic as it tends to melt when hot. Best vessels to use are ceramics and glasses.


These are tips on how to take care of your microwave oven. For the appliance to give you the service you deserve and avoid regular commercial oven repair Alexandria, you should buy your appliance from a reputable store.

The post Commercial microwave oven service: Guide on how to take care of your microwave oven first appeared on HVAC Repair, appliance repair. The post appeared first on Express Appliance Repair

Summer Appliance Care: Tips to Keep Your Devices Running Smoothly

As the summer heat approaches, our appliances often work overtime to keep us comfortable and well-equipped. From air conditioners to refrigerators and everything in between, these essential machines play a significant role in our daily lives. To ensure they function optimally during the scorching summer months, it’s essential to perform some basic maintenance and adopt smart usage habits. In this blog article, we will share some valuable tips on how to keep your appliances running well in the summer, promoting efficiency, longevity, and peace of mind.

Air Conditioner Maintenance

Your air conditioner is undoubtedly the hero of summer, combating the sweltering heat to provide a comfortable indoor environment. To keep it running efficiently, follow these maintenance steps:

  •  Regular Filter Cleaning: Dust and debris can accumulate on the air conditioner’s filter, hindering airflow and reducing efficiency. Clean or replace the filters every 1-2 months.
  • Coil Cleaning: The outdoor condenser coil and indoor evaporator coil can collect dirt over time. Schedule an annual professional cleaning to enhance cooling efficiency.
  • Shade the Outdoor Unit: If possible, provide shade to the outdoor unit to prevent it from overheating and increase overall efficiency.

Refrigerator Maintenance

The refrigerator is the heart of the kitchen, and during summer, it works harder to keep your perishables fresh. To maintain its performance, follow these tips:

  • Keep Coils Clean: Dust and debris on the refrigerator’s coils can cause it to work harder and consume more energy. Regularly vacuum and clean the coils at the back or underneath the unit.
  • Check Door Seals: Ensure that the door seals are airtight. Loose or damaged seals can lead to cool air escaping, forcing the refrigerator to work harder.
  • Optimal Temperature: Set your refrigerator’s temperature to around 37°F (3°C) and the freezer to 0°F (-18°C) for the best energy efficiency and food preservation.
  • To ensure that the back of your refrigerator has proper air flow based on manufactures recommendations as excessive heat will cause premature failure
  • Change the water filter as needed with an OEM filter. Do not replace it with a knock-off filter.

Washing Machine Care

With summer comes the inevitable increase in laundry, so it’s crucial to keep your washing machine in top shape:

  • Clean the Filter: If your washing machine has a filter, clean it regularly to avoid clogs and improve water drainage.
  • Balance the Load: Overloading the machine can strain the motor and reduce its efficiency. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for load capacity.
  • Inspect Hoses Regularly: Check for any leaks or cracks in the hoses connecting the washing machine to the water supply. Replace them if necessary.
  • Do Not overload your washer as it will cause the spin basket to warp. Keep doors/drawers open to prevent smell 

Dishwasher Maintenance

As outdoor gatherings and barbecues become more frequent in the summer, your dishwasher will likely see more use. Keep it running efficiently with these tips:

  • Check the Spray Arms: Ensure the spray arms are free from debris and can rotate properly for even water distribution.
  • Use Energy-Saving Mode: Many dishwashers have an energy-saving mode that can reduce water and energy consumption during lighter loads.


By implementing these simple yet effective tips, you can ensure your appliances work seamlessly throughout the summer months. Regular maintenance not only enhances their performance but also extends their lifespan, saving you money in the long run. By caring for your appliances, you’re not only protecting your investment but also contributing to a greener, more sustainable future with reduced energy consumption. If you run into any problems, don’t hesitate to give Sarah’s Appliance Repair a call and let one of our experienced technicians take care of the rest! Stay cool and stress-free this summer by giving your appliances the care they deserve!


The post Summer Appliance Care: Tips to Keep Your Devices Running Smoothly appeared first on Appliance Repair New Mexico.

Tips to Keeping Your Appliances in Tip Top Shape

With everyone looking for ways to save money and make the most of their appliances, having an appliance breakdown is something you don’t want.

Fortunately, you can do several things to ensure your appliance is always in tip-top shape. To help you out, here are ways to ensure that your washing machine, dishwasher, microwave, and other appliances are in great working order.

Washing machine

When you don’t clean your laundry efficiently, it results in stains and stinky garments.

This is likely due to overloading the appliance, which makes it harder for the water and detergent to work effectively. Using too much detergent can also cause the machine to clog, reducing lifespan.

To ensure that your appliance is in tip-top shape, fill it to around 80% capacity; your hand should be able to fit in the drum on top of your garments.

To avoid the washing machine from becoming unbalanced during the spin cycle, washer repair experts recommend that you distribute the clothes evenly in the drum. Remember that an imbalanced load might cause the machine to shake excessively, causing damage to the machine.

You also should reduce the quantity of detergent you use and clean your washing machine deep every few months to remove any residue from detergent or garments.

You should follow the detergent manufacturer’s instructions. Too much detergent might result in excessive suds and residue buildup, while using too little may leave your clothes unclean.

A “cleaning” or “maintenance” cycle is available on many washing machines. Run this cycle according to your machine’s directions, using hot water, a washing machine cleanser, or a vinegar and baking soda mixture. This aids in the removal of deposits and odors from the machine’s drum and other components.


If your dishwasher isn’t washing pots and pans properly, it may be tempting to hand-wash them first – but this might waste a lot of water, which can be expensive.

Instead, keep your dishwasher in good working order to guarantee that your dishes come out shining. You also should be on the lookout for foul odors and gurgling noises that could signal a clogged filter.

To clean the filter, take it from the appliance, empty it, rinse it out, and scrape it with an old toothbrush. This will help it capture food residue and clean your plates all the time.


Most of us use our ovens daily, so seeing smoke billowing from them is frightening. Most of the time, this is due to food and grease residue, which has to be cleaned.

If you recently cleaned the oven, the smoke could be from excess cleaner left in the oven. In this scenario, the best thing to do is to remove the extra cleaner using a vinegar and water solution.

After fully cleaning your oven and stopping smoking, leave at least 3 inches of distance between food and heating elements.

Also, don’t put food directly on the oven racks because it shortens the time between deep cleans.


Despite their small size, microwaves require more frequent cleaning than other appliances due to the possibility of tenacious stains and foul odors.

After using your microwave, wipe it clean with a microfibre towel to avoid any splashes or spillages from drying and becoming more difficult to remove

You can also use small amounts of vinegar to assist in removing food spills.

Using baking soda to remove odors from your microwave is also an excellent way to go about it. Combine water and baking soda in a big microwave-safe basin and heat on high for 5 minutes, being careful not to boil the solution.

Tumble dryer

Tumble dryers sometimes struggle to get hot enough or fail to heat up over time. This may not always imply that it needs to be repaired but rather that it needs to be cleaned out.

Poor circulation can lead tumble dryers not to heat up effectively. This is commonly caused by a buildup of soggy lint from fluff and fibers that fall off your clothing when flung around inside the appliance’s drum.

To keep your appliance in top working shape, make sure that you clean your filter after each cycle to allow the air to circulate properly within the dryer and effectively dry your clothes.

You also must clean the condenser box if you have a condenser dryer. You remove the box and empty the water into your sink.

Fridge freezer

Fridge freezers have a lengthy lifespan, but if yours is suddenly warmer than it should be, there could be an issue.

This could be due to something preventing the door from closing correctly, such as food lodged in the seal or a fridge freezer that is too full.

To keep your appliance in top working shape, avoid overfilling the device, as this can limit circulation in the fridge freezer, resulting in temperature changes.

You also should 0rganize your food products properly. Keep the necessary products together in labeled containers. This lowers the time the door is open, which helps keep the temperature stable.

Also, defrost the appliance twice yearly to maintain routine maintenance and eliminate the need for repairs.

If possible, have an appliance repair Springfield professional perform an annual maintenance check. They may find problems you overlooked and do more in-depth maintenance activities.

When hiring repair professionals, don’t hire just any professional. Hire an experienced one that knows what they are doing.

As a rule of thumb, you should interview the various technicians and ensure they have the necessary experience to diagnose and fix the appliance.

Many homeowners try to save money by hiring the cheapest contractors. This is wrong because most cheap contractors are inexperienced and often end up causing more problems than were there.

The best way to do it is to take your time and find a moderately priced contractor who will give your appliance the service it deserves.

The post Tips to Keeping Your Appliances in Tip Top Shape first appeared on HVAC Repair, appliance repair. The post appeared first on Express Appliance Repair

Are Small Home Appliances Worth Repairing?

Many people tend to get rid of broken home appliances and buy new ones. However, before throwing it away, opting for a repair would be more economical. Sometimes it can be hard to determine whether the equipment needs a repair or replacement. Therefore, we will offer professional guidance based on certain home appliances. This guide will enable you make the right decision.

Is It Worth Repairing a Microwave?

There are several factors considered before opting for the repair or replacement of a microwave.
When to Repair

During repair, the depreciation of the existing microwave and the cost of replacement is key. If the repair cost is less than the cost incurred to buy it, the repair can be worth it. Moreover, if you paid more money for the microwave, you can repair it if it’s still under warranty. This should be a period of at least 5 years or less.

There are also some minor damages that are worth the repair. When there is an interior light malfunction, you can seek a microwave repair rather than a replacement. Door switch problems are also a minor problem that needs repair. Also, when you have a broken touchpad, a microwave repair can be better.
When to Replace

When your microwave is more than five years old, a microwave replacement is essential. Furthermore, a microwave repair can include hiring trained personnel. In such cases, the cost of repair becomes very high. Therefore, you can opt for a quick replacement.

Other factors that can require a replacement can include loud noises while cooking. When there is a loud buzzing when you hit the start button, this calls for a replacement. Moreover, when the cooking time extends, this can mean that your microwave is old. Therefore, it needs replacement.

Should I Opt for a Dishwasher Repair or Replacement?

A dishwasher is an important equipment in the kitchen. It helps to avoid washing dishes by hand. It is therefore crucial to make the right decision when it comes to a dishashwer repair or replacement. Below are some of the factors you can consider.
Your Dishwasher’s Age

If your dishwasher is more than nine years old, it can be worth replacing it. An old dishwasher will break down more frequently. Therefore, it can be quite costly paying for the repairs.

However, if your dishwasher is less than nine years old, a dishwasher repair can be worth it. At this time, minor issues can be easier to repair at a lower cost. Some of these minor issues can include clogs, broken doors, and door leaks.


When the cost of a dishwasher repair exceeds the price of a new one, a replacement is economical. This will help minimize the amount of money spent on frequent repairs. A dishwasher repair can be a good choice when its cost is less than that of buying a new one.

Damage of Major Parts

When major parts of a dishwasher break down, this can reduce its efficiency. Therefore, you should opt for a dishwasher replacement. A new dishwasher is more efficient saving on water and energy bills. Some of the features to look at include damage to the energy-efficient motors. Damaged sensors that adjust wash cycles can affect its efficiency. Damaged Eco-modes increase energy consumption reducing the performance of your dishwasher.

Oven Repair or Replacement?

Choosing between an oven repair and a replacement can be challenging. However, understanding the advantages of each of them will help you choose the one you see fit for your oven.

Advantages of an Oven Repair

It can be very cost-effective. In most cases, it is normally cheaper to repair an oven than buying a new one. An oven repair can also help maintain your preferred oven features. Replacing your oven means you will have to adjust to new features and lose your preferred ones.

Advantages of an Oven Replacement

A newer oven is more energy efficient. This helps to minimize utility bills. The more oven repairs done, the less efficient it becomes. Therefore, for an efficient oven, replacement is crucial.

Moreover, a new oven comes with a warranty. This provides you with free oven repairs if anything happens within the specified period.

Finally, both the repair and replacement of your home appliances need qualified personnel. Avoid doing it yourself as this can cause more damage. An expert in the field will ensure that your appliances are working properly. They will also advise on the right time to go for a repair or a replacement.

The post Are Small Home Appliances Worth Repairing? appeared first on Dave's Appliance Service.

Commercial Ice Maker Maintenance: Guide On How To Fix Common Ice Maker Problems

ice maker repair

Just like any other appliance, the ice maker tends to develop problems. The cool thing is that you can easily fix some of the problems with minimal guidance. Here are some of the common ice maker problems:

No ice

The ice maker fails to make ice when the bail wire is lifted, the solenoid doesn’t work or when the water’s route is blocked. There are a number of things that you can do to fix the problem:

Check the water supply: a clear sign that the problem is as a result of water supply is the buzzing sound and movement of the freezer arm. You should check the water line and ensure that it isn’t kinked behind or beneath the refrigerator.

Check the solenoid: the water line is usually attached to the solenoid located at the back and bottom of the refrigerator. The solenoid may be defective or not receiving any power.

You should disconnect the refrigerator from the power and then remove the sediment screen inside the solenoid. If the solenoid is defective you should hire a commercial appliances repair professional to replace it for you.

When testing the solenoid you should also check the seals and diaphragms and ensure that they are also functioning perfectly.

Ice maker doesn’t turn off

Does you appliance keep on making ice even when you turn it off? You can fix the problem by lifting the bail wire. When you do this you will shut off the ice maker. You should then remove the ice bin and using a screwdriver remove the ice maker and clean it thoroughly.

If you do this and the problem still persists you should hire a commercial ice maker maintenance professional to take a look at it.

Ice maker doesn’t eject ice

It’s very common for the appliance to make ice, but fail to eject it. The problem is often brought up by motor problems. You need to have the skills to replace the motor thus you should leave the work to an ice maker contractor.

Frozen ice maker

When it’s too cold it’s easy for the freezer pipes to freeze. The good thing is that it’s easy to fix the problem as you only need to warm the hose. To do this you need to train a hair dryer on the ice and melt any ice that may be blocking the mechanism. When warming the ice you should be keen that you don’t shot the wires causing fire.


While you can fix some of the problems, there are other problems that you can’t and have to hire an ice maker technician Falls Church. As rule of thumb you should ensure that the professional you hire is experienced and certified to work in your area.

The post Commercial Ice Maker Maintenance: Guide On How To Fix Common Ice Maker Problems first appeared on HVAC Repair, appliance repair. The post appeared first on Express Appliance Repair

Commercial Oven Repair: 5 Beneficial DIY Oven Repair Tips

oven repair

It’s depressing when your oven isn’t working. You can’t heat food or drink. You also have to set a budget to repair or buy a new appliance. If your oven isn’t working there are a number of things that you can do. Here are some of the things:

Check the temperature

If you notice that your appliance is overcooking or undercooking your food you should take a look at the internal temperature. You should test the temperature using an oven thermometer that you can easily get from your local store.

If you note a temperature difference of 25 degrees Fahrenheit or more, you should hire a commercial appliance repair professional to take a look at your unit.

Check the door seal

The door seal will sag over time. If you don’t replace it soon enough the oven becomes less efficient and heats up the oven knobs. Heat also tends to escape thus your food isn’t heated properly. Before you hire a HVAC repair professional you should replace the seals and see if the problem will go away.

Keep the appliance clean

While you may think that cleaning only gives your appliance a good look, it actually prevents a number of problems. When dirt accumulates in the oven it brings about hot spots which result to glass breaking.

Also, when dirt accumulates in the fan, the fan’s efficiency is greatly reduced thus preventing food from cooking properly. In some cases the fan may get damaged due to a lot of dirt.

If you notice problems with your appliance you shouldn’t rush to call an oven repair technician—you should first clean it and who knows? The problem might go away.

Check the ignition

Ignition problems are common with gas ovens. The cool thing is that you can easily buy the ignition kits from your local stores and easily install them on your own. Another common problem with gas ovens is gas leaks. Due to the volatile nature of gas you should avoid servicing the gas leaks on your own—you should hire a HVAC contractor to do the work.

Check the oven element

A faulty oven element often prevents the oven from heating food well enough. Before you hire a professional you should take a look at it. The element is usually very easy to fit and from reading the manual you can quickly replace it.


These are just a few things that you can do to repair your oven. If you have tried fixing the appliance and the problem won’t go away you shouldn’t stress yourself over it—you should simply hire a commercial oven repair Vienna to take a look at it.

The post Commercial Oven Repair: 5 Beneficial DIY Oven Repair Tips first appeared on HVAC Repair, appliance repair. The post appeared first on Express Appliance Repair

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